St Giles Church

In the centre of the village, the church of St.Giles, dating from the 13th century, stands in its well-maintained , tree-lined churchyard. It features a three-bayed arcade. One of the lords of the manor, Sir John de Merit (died 1391) founded a chantry chapel here in 1387. The effigy in the south wall is believed to be his. However, the present south aisle is 15th century Most of the windows are also of that date. The three-stage west tower was added in the early 16th century, but the church was re-roofed 1858-9 and  restored in 1867. The early 18th century pulpit is believed to have come from St Marys in Taunton. Monuments include that to the Easton family of land surveyors and engineers prominent locally in the 19th century.
St Giles Church, Bradford on Tone is a member of the East Group of Parishes within the Wellington Team Ministry, being grouped with Nynehead, Langford Budville, Runnington and West Buckland.

Team Vicar
Mr. Allan Ellacott

Mrs. June Best – 01823 461339

Secretary to the PCC
Diane Moore – 01823 461481

Bells Contact
Mr. David Richards – 01823 461395
(Practice: Monday at 7pm)

Service Times
See also the church notice board
1st Sunday – 10 a.m. Morning Praise with coffee and produce – Lay led
2nd Sunday – 10 a.m. Morning Worship – Lay led
3rd Sunday – 11 a.m. Parish Holy Communion
4th Sunday – 10 a.m. Morning Worship – Lay led

Services and times vary – please enquire
(Remembrance Sunday – Meet at the War Memorial at 10.50am)

Wellington and District Team Ministry –